Advancing Women
When women thrive, so too do their families, communities and even countries. It’s also a win for organisations, because having a more diverse and gender inclusive workforce can boost financial performance, reputation, innovation, and staff motivation. This is a belief supported by multiple studies and well understood by LexisNexis, where women continue to make positive gains thanks to an environment that creates equal opportunities for their job satisfaction, development and growth.
CEO Magazine Cover
LexisNexis South Africa CEO Videsha Proothveerajh is a firm believer in staying authentic and being true to yourself. As a woman in the technology industry and business as a whole, she endeavours to always give back and to pull others up as she climbs the ladder and shatters the ceilings and paradigms that have held women back for decades. Videsha recently chatted to CEO MAGAZINE about business disruption, the complexity of leadership in a fast-paced world, millennials in the workplace, the value that LexisNexis seeks to add to business and how we’re striving to build a better Africa by advancing the Rule of Law. Read her cover story here.
A View from the Top
What’s it like being a woman on the local board of a multinational company like LexisNexis? How can boards benefit from gender-balanced leadership? LexisNexis woman leaders share their stories.
Rising Stars
LexisNexis is a company filled with passionate, energetic and innovative people who strive for excellence every day. Hear from some of our rising stars as they share their experiences of working for one of the leading legal technology companies on the continent.
Candice, 41, is a Support Supervisor in our Cape Town office who joined LexisNexis in 2009 and says she most admires the company’s collaborative vision.
Systems Analyst Pauline, 44, celebrates her 13th year with LexisNexis this Women’s Month. She loves the diversity and the challenges that come with her day-to-day work and is grateful for the team that she gets to work with on a daily basis.
Collections Manager Ferhana joined LexisNexis in October 2016 and appreciates the daily exposure to new technologies and their power to enhance the way we and our customers work. She also loves the diversity, great minds, personalities and strong work ethic of the people of LexisNexis
] Many of us set out to make a difference, leaving school with dreams and hopes for our future. But family responsibilities and the rat race of life cause us to take a different path, shelve some of our dreams or put them on the back burner
Women in Tech
South Africa’s tech scene paints a bleak picture of gender inclusivity, with women holding less than a quarter of all tech jobs in the country. But while men still dominate the field both in South Africa and internationally, local companies like LexisNexis are making strides in boosting their ranks of female tech specialists.