Maritime Law
When the South African Merchant Shipping Bill, 2020 is passed into law, it will allow for South Africa to align itself to the best international practices; to ensure the growth and development of the local economy; and to meet its international obligations under its bilateral and multilateral agreements as well as the duly adopted conventions with respect to navigation and shipping matters in general.
It has been some time since the new sulphur regulations came into force for sea transportation, compelling shipowners and shipping companies alike to ensure that their vessels burn fuel containing a sulphur amount of no more than 0.50%.
The world has entered into an era of globalisation like never before, where goods from across the world can be made readily accessible right up to a consumer’s front door. This is possible thanks to the shipping and international trade industry. The World Shipping Council has reiterated the immense global influence of the shipping industry by stating:
It has been almost one month since new sulphur regulations came into force for sea transportation, compelling shipowners and shipping companies alike to ensure that their vessels burn fuel containing a sulphur amount of no more than 0.50%.