Looking for integrated, automated estate management?

Look no further than Lexis® Deceased Estates.

We get it. Administrating a deceased estate is tough. The process is technical and often cumbersome.

Administrators who effectively cut through red tape are sought after. Clients expect speed, transparency and good guidance. When administrators are overwhelmed with red tape, they cannot focus on the things that matter.

Good executors need to spend their time on: Don't be slowed down by:
  • Asset management
  • Management of creditors, taxes and duties
  • Ensuring that heirs receive what’s rightfully theirs
  • Trying to avoid common errors in liquidation and distribution
  • Communication delays
  • Lack of visibility into bottle necks at regulatory authorities

Don’t go it alone.
Do what you do best and let us manage the red tape.

Our state-of-the-art estate administration speeds up processes and leaves you with the time to do what matters most. For example, with our liquidation and distribution account calculation and production, human error is removed, and processes are streamlined, reducing timelines to winding up the Estate.

Lexis Deceased Estates is an always-on, all-in-one online solution that allows you to complete the entire estate administration process, from reporting to the Master through to reconciliation. This includes workflow, document automation, client communication, data capture and the liquidation and distribution account all in one place.

We are committed to the goal of fully removing the roadblocks to smooth estate administration for service providers through our Lexis Deceased Estates.

Watch this space

Because of the ground-breaking nature of our work, key features are being added on a phased basis. This is to ensure that our revolutionary features are well tested. As a result, you will enjoy ongoing feature enhancements when you sign up to Lexis Deceased Estates.

Coming Soon: Integration with South African Authorities.

Watch this space

Sign up and take advantage of our cutting-edge estate administration technology.

It is always evolving, ensuring the most efficient workflow for quick turnaround times and regular reporting on the progress of an estate.

Want to learn more about how Lexis Deceased Estates can help you manage the estate administration process?

Let us contact you with an obligation free quote

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