Lexis® Practical Guidance: Competition Law


Practical Guidance Competition Law is a how-to resource for Competition law Attorneys and Consultants, Legal Advisors and business owners, providing step-by-step guidance on how to comply with the Competition Act 89 of 1998; a critical element of legislation that ensures full and free participation in the economy by all South Africans.

This practice area covers both prohibited practices and merger regulations. It assists users in determining if their conduct falls foul of the Competition Act and provides practical tips on how to avoid non-compliance. With guidance on restrictive practices, abuse of dominance, price discrimination and so much more, users are able to clearly understand what constitutes a notifiable transaction. Further guidance is offered on how to approach with the Competition Commission authorities if aggrieved by the conduct of others.

  • Horizontal restrictive practices
  • Vertical restrictive practices
  • Exclusivity arrangements
  • Restraints of trade
  • Abuse of dominance
  • Excessive pricing
  • Corporate leniency policy
  • The Competition Commission
  • The Competition Tribunal
  • Dawns raids
  • Market enquiries
  • International anti-trust
  • 31 Topic Overviews
  • Over 75 guidance notes, including practical process aids
  • Up-to-date judgements for reference
  • Over 25 customisable forms, precedents, checklists
  • Official Competition Commission forms
  • Merger filing checklist
  • Templates of a competitiveness report
  • Do's and don'ts for dealing with competitors
  • Dawn raid warrant
  • Checklist for reviewing exclusive arrangements
  • List of "red flag" clauses in agreements
  • Guidelines for safe information sharing
  • Guidelines for safe participation in trade associations
  • Getting the Deal Through guides