In Shiva Uranium (Pty) Limited (In Business Rescue) and Another v Tayob and Others 2022 (2) BCLR 197 (CC), if a company enters business rescue voluntarily in terms of s 129, the power to appoint a substitute, if the practitioner resigns, remains with the company.
Directors wanting to address problems in financially distressed companies need to be proactive, diligent, and aware of all options available to them, including the option of business rescue, its value, and the importance of its timing.
In Van Zyl v Auto Commodities (Pty) Ltd [2021] 3 All SA 395 (SCA), Section 154(2) of the Companies Act only precludes creditors from pursuing claims against the company after the business rescue plan has been implemented. It does not affect or extinguish the liability of a surety for the debt.
South Africa has adopted many of the international core rescue principles applicable in foreign jurisdictions, creating a modern business rescue regime aimed at saving financially distressed companies, preserving employment and restructuring the discharge of debt.
Has BR in SA really brought about a company (debtor) friendly system that can compare with international best practice?