Professor John Faris

Prof Faris

Planning Editor, Editorial Panelist and Author

Professor John Faris commenced his academic career in 1976 at the College of Law of the University of South Africa (Unisa). He completed his LLD thesis on the topic: An Analysis of the Theory and Principles of Alternative Dispute Resolution. A few years later, from a procedural perspective, Professor Faris commenced a study of African traditional process and as a means of critically interrogating the system of ADR.

Professor Faris is the founder and Head of the Institute for Dispute Resolution in Africa (IDRA). Within the context of the system of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Professor Faris specialises in the process of negotiation.

Professionally, Professor Faris is an attorney of the High Court of South Africa. He is also a senior academic editor. Since 1995, he holds the appointment of Planning Editor to The Law of South Africa. Since 1982, he has been the Editor of the Cumulative Supplement to The Law of South Africa. He also serves on the LexisNexis panel of consultants to The Law of South Africa, as well as being the author of a number of titles. He has published extensively in the fields of the history of civil procedure as well as alternative dispute resolution.