Teleworking the number one choice for the New Generation
04 February 2021 11:26
Millennials (who now make up the largest portion of the workforce) will likely have their pick amongst companies competing for them.
And it’s not just that millennials are choosy, it’s that they’re starting to settle down and have families. Having some flexibility in your work life can be essential.
This is why it is ultimately in the best interest of companies to at least try and get telecommuting right — because millennials won’t have a problem moving to a company that does.
The millennial generation is the largest age group to emerge since the baby boom generation, and as this group grows significantly as a proportion of the workforce, employers will need to make major adjustments in their engagement models.
Telecommuting is a favoured work set-up among this generation, because it allows them the flexibility and benefits of working away from a traditional workplace and without the inconvenience of a daily commute.
You’ll probably hear this sentiment echoed more and more, not only by millennial employees, but also by millennial CEOs. “One of the best things about telecommuting as a CEO is that it gives you access to people you normally wouldn’t be able to reach,” said *Allen Walton, the founder of SpyGuy Security, who advocates telecommuting for his employees.
[*Why Boomers Have Millennials to Thank for Remote Work, Kat Boogard]
Although telecommuting may be a core millennial value, it is something just about every worker can appreciate. According to the *TeleWork Coalition,” reducing commuting costs is like receiving a pay raise, avoiding real estate expense has prevented many layoffs, and teleworking provides jobs equally without deference to geography.”
[*The TeleWork Coalition takes a more “proactive than reactive approach towards promoting telework and telecommuting and fill the void left by other telework advocacy groups.” Being pioneers in their field, they create new employment opportunities for the disabled, rural, and older worker, as well as spouses of those in the military. Their aim is to “bring together a diverse array of organizations, companies, and individuals with the common interest of promoting awareness and adoption of existing and emerging Telework and Telecommuting applications including telemedicine and distance learning, as well as addressing access to broadband services that may be needed to support these applications.”]