Quantum: Non-Patrimonial Loss

Due to the nature of personal injury claims, it can be challenging to quantify non-patrimonial losses suffered and finding the required comparable cases to assess such loss is notoriously odious, time-consuming and expensive. Practitioners can now reduce these stresses with the newly launched Quantum: Non-Patrimonial Loss. Unlike any other online legal tool on the market, this specially-designed law report uses an easily accessible matrix to collate relevant information for quick, accurate and justifiable comparisons. Drawing on the latest legal research and a wealth of specialist knowledge from Professor Hennie Klopper, Quantum: Non-Patrimonial Loss provides cases with current CPIX adjusted awards that best match a client’s injuries, loss of amenities, pain and suffering, and medical and personal sequelae.

Quantum: Non-Patrimonial Loss is powered by Lexis Library’s online platform, it also collates and ranks relevant cases in terms of useful indexes such as trigger event and anatomy, instantly and in one place.