
Latest Updates

Keep your Lexis Convey up to date and get the best experience out of the system. From this page, you can download and install the latest versions. Please remember to check your version of Lexis Convey before you download and install the latest update.

How-to guide to do your Lexis Convey Update
How to do your Lexis Convey Backup

Updates Available for download

Minimum Requirements

Server Machine  
Recommended Operating Systems: Windows Server 2012 R2
End of support for the following Operating Systems (Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2) are End January 2020
Please see the Product Support Lifecycle link below
For sites with 5 users or less, the following Operating Systems are supported:Windows 8/10 Professional
Supported Database Software:All Microsoft SQL Server Express editions (2012 and above) has a database size limit of 10GB. SQL Server Express 2008 R2 or earlier are no longer supported.
Ensure that you have the latest service packs installed before contacting the Lexis Convey Support Team as only these are supported for all operating systems & SQL Server.
SQL Server can dynamically allocate the optimal amount of memory (or cache) to the database to increase performance. Consider purchasing more than the required RAM to allow for a larger cache. Memory should be increased depending on the number of users connecting to the server (see the Microsoft website for recommended specifications).
Free disk space recommendations only apply to run the software and do not include stored data.
These specs are for a database and/or file server only. Please contact LexisNexis for a recommendation on minimum Terminal Server specs for your environment.
Hardware requirements:4 GB RAM (8 GB for more than 20 users)
2 GB free disk space for Lexis Convey use
Dual Core CPU 3.0 GHz or higher (Quad Core for more then 20 users)
Software requirements:Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
Internet Explorer 11 recommended
Microsoft Word/Outlook 2010 or higher
Client Machines  
Supported Operating Systems:Windows 8/10 Professional
End of support for the following Operating Systems (Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2) are End January 2020
Please see the Product Support Lifecycle link below
Hardware requirements:4GB RAM (8GB RAM for SQL Server Express)
2 GB free disk space for Lexis Convey use
1024 x 768 screen resolution or higher
Dual Core CPU 3.0 GHz or higher
Software requirements:Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
Internet Explorer 11 recommended
Microsoft Word/Outlook 2010 or higher

Product Support Lifecycle.

For more detailed Minimum Requirements, please click here.