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Trusted legislative content
Drawing on an extensive range of specialist case law, Lexis Library can help you stay abreast of the latest legislative developments, including the implementation of POPIA regulations.
Along with expert commentary on POPIA, our Technology, Media and Telecommunications research area includes the complete Protection of Personal Information Act No. 4 of 2013, dedicated commentary on POPIA and data protection and privacy in South Africa, and relevant materials from LAWSA and other legal entities.
Visit our e-store for print or e-book versions of our latest POPIA publications. Use this discount code: POPIA10 when you buy one of the following titles and get 10% off OR buy both titles using discount code: POPIABUNDLE for only R528.43 (vat incl):
The LexisNexis POPIA Pocketbook: An inexpensive eBook giving you access to the most up-to-date text of the POPI Act and Regulations.
Normal Price R80.50 | Discount Price R72.45
A Commentary on the Protection of Personal Information Act: Essential guidance on navigating the POPI Act, helping you meet your obligations and ensure your compliance.
Along with the in-depth legal insights and commentaries, Lexis Library subscribers have access to Point in Time and Legal Citator – online tools designed to save valuable research time and streamline the research process:
Point In Time: Enhanced search functionality means you can search not only current legislation on Lexis Library, but also all previous amendments since 2014, allowing you to instantly compare historical versions of Acts. Find out more.
Legal Citator: Unique in South Africa, Legal Citator is designed to analyse the precedential value of cases you're researching, dramatically reducing research time to a matter of minutes. Find out more.
If you’re looking for a comprehensive research platform that’s easy to navigate and offers the largest collection of trusted legal content online, look no further than Lexis Library. With the latest legal content and commentary, Lexis Library offers customised packages sure to meet all your legal research needs.