Recent articles
The Covid-19 Temporary Relief Scheme Refined – Recent Amendments to the Minister’s DirectiveAmendments published to the Directive responsible for the implementation of the Scheme on 08 April 2020 have clarified the application of the Scheme and have further refined its operation.
Liability insurance in clinical trials is an indemnity covering the liability of an applicant for injury attributable to participation in the clinical trial. The loss covered includes that for medical treatment, and financial or other assistance necessary to adequately compensate participants for resultant impairment disability or handicap. When applying for a clinical trial to be approved, the applicant, the manufacturer, must submit evidence of comprehensive no-fault insurance. It seems that this measure is an adequate filter to avoid any company that may have nefarious intentions.
Insights on the regulations and directives the South African government and schools implemented to protect children’s rights to education under national lockdown.
A critical analysis of the Judgment in De Beer and Others v Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (21542/2020) [2020] ZAGPPHC 184 (2 June 2020) with regard to the constitutional validity of both the  declaration of a state of national disaster and the regulations pursuant thereto.
The role of leadership in both the public and private sector has become pivotal amid the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic and the South African government’s reaction thereto under the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 as amended.
Online dispute resolution (ODR) is a branch of dispute resolution which uses technology to facilitate the resolution of disputes between parties. In this respect it is often seen as being the online equivalent of Alternative dispute resolution. However, ODR can also augment these traditional means of resolving disputes by applying innovative techniques and online technologies to the process.
Multi-tiered dispute settlement and the introduction of Rule 41A is a significant evolution of South Africa’s legal system
Representing and advising clients in a mediation process – a new practice area for legal representatives. Mediation Advocacy is the technique of strategically presenting a client’s position, needs and interests in a non-adversarial way, and in recognizing that the negotiated outcome to a dispute is usually more flexible, satisfying and sustainable than an order imposed by a court or other tribunal.
The new normal - A pandemic presenting us with an imperative to manage commercial disputes effectively. Appropriate, adaptive dispute resolution broadens the range of services a legal practitioner can deliver with the result that he/she can address a wider range of client’s needs. This is particularly important in this era of a ‘disrupted normal’. Reliance on legal mechanisms under these circumstances is akin to using a blunt instrument to perform delicate surgery.
COVID-19 – Companies placed in liquidation: Court leaves SARS weak, but retrenched employees are the real victims