Practical Guidance Labour is a how-to resource for labour law practitioners, human resources professionals, in-house counsel, managers and employers of any business who wish to adhere to best practices and comply with legal standards dealing with Labour law matters. Suitable for practitioners representing employers or employees this practice area covers the recruitment process and start of an employment relationship to the disciplining and dismissal of employees, the health and safety in the work place and even managing a strike situation. This practice area provides all the need-to-know information, guidance and resources to deal with all labour related matters in South Africa.
Topics Covered
The hiring of new applicants
National minimum wage in South Africa
Parental leave and how to apply for it
The minimum standards of employment
Unemployment, illness, adoption and maternity benefits
Specific offences relating to dismissal
How to conduct and chair a disciplinary enquiry
CCMA disputes, arbitrations and approaching the Labour Court