In Moos v Makgoba [2022] JOL 54225 (GP), evidence necessary of psychological, economic, or mental harm to secure a protection order.
In Davids v S [2022] 4 All SA 67 (WCC) where a court building is situated does not compromise the institutional and individual independence of the court and/or the judge.
In Ndevu and Another v Westonaria South Property Holding (Pty) Ltd t/a Westonaria South and Others [2022] JOL 53978 (GP), urgent application for stay of execution, clear right was established that an irreparable harm will result.
In Breukel and Another v Department of Home Affairs and Another [2022] 2 All SA 787 (WCC), holding facility detention and legal justification preventing a foreigner from entering South Africa pending review finalisation.
In S v Zuma and Another [2022] 1 All SA 533 (KZP), ‘title to prosecute’ - the test in respect of the apprehension of bias in a prosecutor does not apply to a judicial officer. Other grounds apply for a substantive application.
In Botha v Steyn [2021] 4 All SA 87 (KZD), legal requirements of wedding ceremonies, if no marriage was contracted between the plaintiff and the defendant, there could be no talk of a decree of divorce.
In Deltamune (Pty) Ltd and Others v Tiger Brands Limited and Others [2022] 2 All SA 26 (SCA), the requirements of relevance (necessary and appropriate) and specificity (material facts) when issuing subpoenas.
In Democratic Alliance v National Commissioner of Correctional Services and Others [2022] 2 All SA 134 (GP), urgent application for a declaration of unlawfulness against the decision granting Mr Zuma medical parole under s 75(5) of the Correctional Services Act.
In Davidan v Polovin NO and Others [2021] 4 All SA 37 (SCA) right of occupation and nature of necessary consent in terms of the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998.
In Forum de Monitoria do Orçamento v Chang [2022] 2 All SA 157 (GJ), competing extradition requests, review of Minister’s decision, whether rational based on the relevant facts, and in conformity with the doctrine of legality.